The scent of Romance

My brother in-law needed a good idea for Valentine's Day. He wanted to surprise my sister but couldn't think of any good Valentine's Day gifts. So I decided to share with him one of my most memorable Valentine's Days, and let's just say, I told him the PG rated version.
I had been dating Brad for only four and a half months when Valentine's Day rolled around. I was definitely infatuated with him, but annoyed by his lack of romance, so I wasn't expecting much for Valentine's Day. We made plans to meet for dinner around 8pm. And then possibly a movie afterwards, which just made it seem like any other date.
When I got off work I was greeted at my front door by this package. It was wrapped in white paper, and had a big red bow. Inside was a set of bubble bath, candles, and lotion, as well as a CD and a Valentine's Day card. Brad had not only written a message for me to take a bath before meeting him for dinner and listen to the CD while I got ready. But he actually made the card himself. My roommate wasn't home so I cranked up the music. Brad had compiled all the greatest love songs, plus all the songs that we had danced to over the last couple of months. Normally I would have thought it was cheesy, but I was so impressed by his actions.
I ran upstairs to my room really excited to meet Brad. I was starting not to care that we were just doing dinner and a movie. And when I thought it couldn't get any better I opened my bedroom door to find my walls covered in red Valentine's Day hearts. Brad had borrowed the key from my roommate and decorated my room while I was at work. He had also left me a dozen red roses on my dresser, plus a brown teddy bear with a pink bow. The cutest thing was that he had the bear holding a sign that said Hurry up, I'm missing you too much! He knew that I had a tendency to run a little late, so I tried my best to be on time. I quickly hopped into the bath and sat listening to the music and smelling the scent that was perfectly named romance.
I got dressed and quickly wrapped Brad's Valentines Day gift, which was two tickets to see his favorite band, and a bottle of his favorite cologne. I had gotten him a Valentine's Day card that was blank inside and told him how much I love him. When I looked at the clock it was 7:45pm. I grabbed my coat, ran downstairs, and that is when I saw Brad sitting at my kitchen table. He had come in while I was in the bath, lit candles, made dinner, and handed me another red rose. It was amazing. And I definitely had only one bite of the dinner, before he whisked me away to my room!
I told my brother in-law that the best Valentine's Day gifts are the ones that are least expected. Brad had never done anything like that for me, so it was nice to know that he had it in him to be romantic. And after six years of being married, he still surprises me. My Brother in-law wound up copying Brad's idea, and my sister couldn't stop talking about it for a week!