
I received an invitation in the mail the week before my cousin Madeline's confirmation. Madeline loves baseball, so it was no surprise when the card was in the shape of a baseball bat and glove behind it. Inside, it stated, "You are invited to a Baseball Confirmation party, to be held after church at the Briar Elementary school playing field." I love baseball, too, so I was enthused.
After Madeline's Confirmation ceremony, we all drove over to the elementary school. Madeline's mom and dad, Aunt Frances and Uncle Saul, had set up the baseball field with the bases, four bats, ten gloves and five soft balls. Saul had put out three picnic tables and had about eight large, picnic baskets full of food, ready for the party. He also set up a small grill for hot dogs. Everything looked great.
Twenty adults and fourteen kids arrived. That was seven to a team. The adults sat at the picnic tables and watched the kids get ready. Madeline was so excited; she got to be Captain. There were four boys and ten girls. For a while, the boys wanted to play against the girls, but Madeline would have none of that and she divided the boys up between the two teams.
The game lasted through the afternoon. It was great. They all played really well for thirteen year-olds, especially Madeline. Frances hired a videographer to record the whole game and I took photos. I tried not to focus on any one player so I could capture the whole game. Some of the adults made up cheers and routines to perform.
Madeline hit a home run! After the game, the kids were famished and they raced to the picnic tables. In the end, Madeline's team won by one point. It was really close, though.
They had hot dogs with everything on them and sodas. THere was beer and wine coolers. There were peanuts, potato chips, tortilla chips and salsa and cheese spread with crackers. Frances even made her famous potato salad. The kids devoured everything in site.
After they ate and relaxed a little, the kids played one more game. This time, Madeline let the boys play against the girls. Needless to say, the girls won by a landslide, with Madeline hitting two home runs!
Madeline had a great time. Copies of the tape were sent to everyone that came. What a great day!