
My daughter, Megan's confirmation was last week and we decided to throw a party for her afterwards. Megan wants to be a Hollywood actress when she grows up, so she wanted to have the Hollywood theme for her party.
Megan and I made our own invitations. We cut out pictures of stars from a bunch of magazines and pasted them into collages on the cover of eight invitations. Inside was written the location, date and time of the party and instructions to come dressed as a movie star.
Megan and I decorated the house Saturday night so the girls could come directly from church on Sunday.
I took the old refridgerator box from the garage and cut it into the shape of rolling hills. Megan painted them green and John, her dad made a little "HOLLYWOOD" sign out of white poster board and Megan pasted it on top of one of the hills.
We placed the hills through out the house so it appeared as if we were in the Hollywood Hills. Meanwhile, John bought some white clay and rolled it to a 1/4 inch thickness a piece of plywood covered with a sheet of plastic. He then cut out nine 12" by 12" squares for each girl to press her hands into and pretend they were at premier at the Mann Chineese.
The girls went to the choir dressing rooms after the confirmation ceremony and changed into their costumes. There was such variety of stars from classic to modern--Charlie Chaplin, Julia Roberts and Bette Midler. Megan was Marilyn Monroe. I made the white dress from "Seven Year Itch" from a pattern I found at the fabric store and found the perfect wig at a costume shop. She looked perfect.
A make-up artist came to the house and did all the make-up for the girls. They had such a great time. A professional photographer took glamor portraits of them after they were finished getting ready. All of them looked fabulous.
Meanwhile, John was busy grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for the girls and also the parents who came with them. There were root beer floats or punch for everyone and of course, we had plenty of drinks for the adults. Everything from champagne to Gin. We had to borrow one of the two picnic tables from the next door neighbor, but there was plenty of room for everyone. Megan and I covered them with Marilyn Monroe printed paper table cloths we found at a party supply store. They came with sets of matching paper plates, cups and napkins.
After lunch, John led the girls over to the white clay. All the girls pressed their hand prints into the clay, signed their names. They all set their clay in the sun to dry.
The party was a big success. The girls enjoyed the rest of the afternoon play acting in the backyard. The clay imprints were sent to all the girls after John's friend baked them in a kiln. Megan propped hers up on her dresser.