What are some good themes for New Years Eve parties?
Adding a theme can make any party or event instantly more exciting! There are so many themes to choose from so we suggest you take a quick look at all the options we have posted on the themes page. It’s a good idea to choose a theme that is relevant to the passing year. For example, choose a theme based on the biggest hit movie of the year such as Batman or a Superhero theme, or have guests dress up in costumes relevant to the biggest people of the year such as the year’s most scandalous celebrities. Decorate with photos of things that mark the year and play the past year’s top music hits. Some other themes that work great for New Year’s celebrations include: A Masquerade Ball, Mardi Gras, White Party (everyone must wear only white), Ice, Glow in the Dark, Disney, Country Hoedown, Las Vegas/Casino Night, Roaring 20s, Nifty 50s, Murder Mystery, NYE in Time’s Square, Around the World, Tropical Luau, Pirate, and Space/Back to the Future theme.